Michele's Stuff

Welcome to my trading page! I now prefer and am able to do online lossless trades. I trade on CDR, cassette when the recording isn't available on CD, and video. I also trade data CDRs: either SHNs of audio CDs, or other music files such as videos. Check out the rules below, and e-mail me if you're interested.

As you can see I'm picky. You have been warned. ::P I know it sounds intimidating, but I am very happy to take time to explain how I'd prefer stuff to be copied, and this benefits both sides in learning and getting good copies. If you'd like to know about the hardware and programs I use, click here.

I've taken out the full list for now since I don't update it. See my etree.org list for additional artists: U2, Nerf Herder, Think Of England, The Cure, Depeche Mode, New Order.



  • Out Of Print/Promo Only Official Tracks
  • Live

Mark Z. Danielewski (Poe's brother)

Donna Delory and Cameron Stone (Madonna's backup singer and Poe's cellist, AKA Bliss)



Tori Amos

  • My Tori Collection - I own original copies of anything listed under the collection. Anything labeled in print is not for trade. Also on this list are tracks that are out of print. They include tracks from singles, promos and radio station compilations. The wants are what I don't have on silver CD, but I have nearly all of them as MP3s.
  • Live audio
  • Live video including VCD/SVCD/DVD

Dee Carstensen (VR.5)

The Wants

This sucks, change it!